Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Drawing Near

So I have to confess that I woke up this morning kind of dreading this day. In fact, I went to sleep last night dreading it. On the surface level, it's because I've had at least one kid sick almost every day for the past 3 weeks and today is no different. They're both struggling with a virus that has germs being coughed and snotted all over my house, myself and each other. It's no surprise that every time one of them seems to get a leg up and feel better, the virus gets passed right back to them and we're down for the count again. 

We're stuck at home. It's freezing outside. We haven't had much, if any human interaction with anyone else for almost a week. Hindsight proves that we shouldn't have even been out then, even though I thought we were done.

Any parent knows that this is wearing. We've all experienced it before, and we'll do it again. We're helpless to do much to change the situation and that loss of control in your role as a parent is quite disconcerting. 

Peel back that surface level of non-ideal circumstances and you'll find me...moody, stomping around, getting frustrated way too easily and lashing out at my husband whenever he gets home from work, or if he doesn't subconsciously know what I expected him to do or if he just happens to be in the same room as me. What's more disconcerting than a loss of parental control over temporary circumstances is that I can so easily allow those circumstances to steal my joy. 

I am so thankful that God doesn't give up that easily on me. He continues to pursue me even when I turn away from him, sit down in my shallow circumstances and pout about my life. Something I read this morning stopped me in my tracks..."As you come close to Jesus, the world around you will transform and become more beautiful and radiant because you are changed."
I immediately understood the source of my grumpiness. It wasn't the powerlessness of sick kids, loneliness from being quarantined, or anything that my husband said or did. It was my choice to let my circumstances steal my identity and define the way I saw the world. It was my passivity in not drawing close to the Lord and instead to try to manage myself on my own. It doesn't look or feel like a dramatic rebellion, so it's something you don't even recognize as it's happening. But every single day I need him to heal me, redeem me, accept me, and save me. And every day he invites me and accepts me to do that. 
Gratitude is a big thing for me so I talk about it a lot. That might incorrectly make it seem like it's something I do well, but no, I'm actually very naturally bent toward feeling sorry for myself when things aren't as they should be. (That's a nice way of saying I like things to go my way). Gratitude is something that I have to actively seek or else I won't have it on my own. I've seen the fruit of a grateful heart though. I've seen how the world actually does transform and become more beautiful when I see it through a grateful lens. It's a simple and at the same time, powerful tool to transform a broken, moody, impatient and unloving heart into a heart full of joy.

The same message has met my ears a few times in the past few weeks but I had no idea how it applied to me. That message was that "there is no sin that is bigger than the cross of Christ." 
Why is this truth being repeated to me from multiple sources? 
I mean, obviously, it's true...but the context didn't apply. But I believe that anytime something repeats itself,that it's not an accident. I think this is it. 

When we struggle against the same thing, it may be incredibly frustrating to us, but God doesn't give up on us. He wants us to continue that struggle. He wants to help us gain victory. He wants us to know that even though we said that the last time was the last time, and then we failed again, that he still pursues us. He doesn't change. He doesn't give up.That truth overshadows and trumps any circumstances the enemy can throw our way. If for nothing else, I am so grateful for that. 

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