Friday, February 13, 2015

Popping Corn Snack

I thought I'd post a quick reality food snack because I've been wanting to post something but my thoughts are completely jumbled about a lot of different topics and I'm finding it hard to write them out...probably a combination of some negative circumstances and a lack of sleep. Anyways, I'm totally against writing if it doesn't flow from you. It becomes choppy and awkward to read and I refuse to be that person just writing to write. 

So one of my favorite reality snacks is popping corn! We all love it really! It's super easy to make and replaces those microwavable bags that supposedly are slowly killing us all.
What you do...
A bag of popcorn kernels is pretty cheap and can be stored in the freezer. When you're ready to snack, heat a large pot on the stovetop and add 2-3 tbsp of oil. My favorite to use is coconut oil because YUM! But you can use anything...olive oil, butter...whatevs.

We usually make 1/4 cup or maybe 1/3 cup at a time and that's PLENTY for everyone to be quite full! Add just 3 or 4 individual kernels to the oil as it melts down and cover your pot with the lid until they pop. It's super fun to watch if you have a clear lid! 
As soon as they pop, pour the rest of the kernels into the oil, cover with the (hopefully) clear lid and shimmy that pan around on the heated stovetop. This part won't take long, they should all pop up real quick because the oil is already heated to the right temperature. Three-year-olds LOVE this part!

While the oil and your 3-4 kernels are heating up, grab whichever spices you want to use for seasoning! This is the best part because you can season your popcorn however you want and you can make incredibly delicious popcorn without drenching it (and your arteries) in butter. My go-to mixture is garlic powder, parsley, and paprika. I don't measure them out...just season to your taste. Add these to the popcorn once it's popped but still hot.
Other seasonings I've tried individually and in combinations are red pepper flakes, chili powder, basil, and oregano. I'm also not against a small amount of salt. You could also do a cinnamon and nutmeg blend if sweet popcorn is your jam.

And there you have it...a delicious snack full of good fiber and not drenched in fat. I've also heard that fiber from whole grains can actually strip your arteries of cholesterol buildup...and that's a GREAT thing that your movie-theater popcorn is definitely not doing for you. 

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