Thursday, January 11, 2018

This Year in a Word

It seems like the "Choose a Word for the Year" has become a bit commonplace and I'm even seeing some people knocking it with a number of "better ideas". I say...whatever, Batman Forever. I love this discipline and have found it to bring about an increase in joy and focus, while also providing a suitable alternative to NY resolutions which highlight our failures, seem to keep us focused on the temporary and remind us of our personal brokenness. 

To Invite: to request the presence or participation of in a kindly, courteous, or complimentary way, especially to request to come or go to some place or gathering

When thinking over what I'd like to choose as my word for 2018, I kept coming back to one particular word, invite.

I love picking a word for the year. It helps me to reset, refocus, remember and re-prioritize. And as I've said before, I don't marry this word. I've never once chosen a word in January and ended the year with the same word. I love watching how God takes something I offer or choose and makes it better...even if it's harder, less romantic and less enticing by the standards of human eyes.

I don't even particularly love the above definition of this word, it doesn't feel complete to me. I'd rewrite it something like this:

To be brought in, physically and emotionally; to be welcomed, to gather together, to include and offer safety, to walk through life together deeply and to never feel alone, to pour oneself out by facing outward, to be available, to engage one another in a new way, to support and believe in one another, to show hospitality to the Spirit of another

I am a relational person to a fault. There's truly never been a time in my life when I could identify ONE best "girl" friend. I am energized and encouraged by time hearing stories, sharing experiences and learning in community. So the word "invite" excites me to my inner core. What could this actually look like? How many tangible ways can I make this happen in everyday life? Let's get started RIGHT AWAY!!!

But thinking practically...what will it really take? Remember...there are three tiny humans who depend on me 24 hours a day? And a husband who I promised my life to. How can I live a life of invitation to those outside the four walls of my home while remembering to invite WELL those inside those walls too?

The way I see it, invitation comes in layers. The goal isn't to spread myself too thin.
I think ONE, I can intentionally engage others who cross my path daily or weekly. Strangers, acquaintances and new friends who have no history. This looks like PUTTING DOWN MY PHONE at in the waiting room, following up the polite "how are you?" question with a more engaging question, remembering the names of people I meet. These are things I used to do much more naturally before I had 3 children to keep up with.

TWO, I can love "my people" better. These are family and friends who we are doing life with. Truly, this takes humility, accountability, vulnerability and forgiveness. This means walking through the valley. This means bearing one another's burden while still carrying your own cross. To be inviting means that you're safe and welcoming. I don't know if I've ever been very good at this in my life. But I know this is what Jesus was all about during his years on earth. Loving his people well.

THREE, I can invite myself into the lives of others. Not in a weird way, but in a way that shows I am available. Aren't we all so incredibly busy these days? Don't we all stay to ourselves, refrain from asking for help, go about life on our own because we don't want to bother anyone? We NEVER ask for help. We don't want to burden one another. This includes my kids. I wonder how they see me through their eyes sometimes...sitting at my computer, checking my phone, doing chores, cooking, cleaning, shouting orders. Multi-tasking is king. "Oh you want me to read to you? How about I check my email while we do that?" I don't think this would have been very difficult to do 10 years ago, but with my phone basically glued into my hand or pocket, this will take discipline on the daily.

So truly, I know this one may sound good in words, but actions are always louder. And behaviors don't change overnight. But I love the direction this word is taking my thoughts and my perspective. And I love that we have a Savior who modeled this perfectly. I plan to write some posts about some of the times when He did this well and how it makes me love Him so very very deeply.

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