Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Welcome Home

Alright...nothing says mid-30s more than what I'm about to write in this blog.

Are you ready, 20 year olds?

This year I asked for a mop and some dishtowels for Christmas.

I know.

Now to be fair the dish towels are those beautiful Liberty Fabric ones from Anthropologie. And I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand why my family thinks these towels are to be used on dishes and countertops. These are for aesthetic beauty in the kitchen and an occasional hand wipe! 

Moving on...

So this post is going to be a little bit light-hearted...but one of my favorite things about the Internet is crowdsourcing before I make my own decision. I have a bit of a problem with decisiveness, so yeah, I'm a fan of crowd sourcing. I love reading reviews- despite some of the grumpy reviewer's out there who feel it's their duty in life to complain about everything and are basically impossible to please. Weed 'em out...You have been warned.

I love getting input and hearing the experience others have had. There are so many choices for basically every decision and sometimes I just want to know "who's already tried it?" and "which one is the best?" I also think for the most part that most people really like to help. Or at least most people like to give their opinions about things.

So I thought I would write a blog post about the newest love of my life, which my 20 year old self, I'm sure, would totally make fun of.

Those of us who are mothers or fathers have actually lived to experience the capacity of your own heart expanding when a new child enters your family. One day your heart was completely full and then the next, you met this new child who would be called your own, and the capacity to love within your heart expanded right before your eyes! You loved your spouse and older children with your entire full heart, but now...now there was more room and you loved another person fully too.

This isn't exactly the same thing...

But it's pretty close.

We recently added to our family the Oreck Steam-It Multipurpose steam wand. Now rather than claiming that I was completely full and content in this area of life, I'll be honest and say that cleaning my floors was one of the tasks I dreaded most within the four walls of my home. There was a void. 

I even conducted some unofficial market research with my girlfriends and they all agreed. Floors stink.

I tried one product recently that I was super excited about- the Hoover Floormate Deluxe...my actual Christmas gift. It sounded pretty cool in theory and I had TWO friends with personal raving reviews...an obvious indicator of success! It's just like a vacuum with two water tanks- one for clean water and one for used/dirty water. As you vacuumed, you could dispense the clean water for the spinning brushes underneath to scrub your floors. The great thing about it was the Hoover sucked up that dirty water and you could see dirty water in a separate tank. Very satisfying,

However when I looked at my floors they weren't really that clean. And one of the tanks was dripping water everywhere making me think an electrical shortage was imminent. I boxed it up and send it back to Amazon, despite the fact that I really wanted to love it. 

However I didn't mourn long. 

The steam mop is incredible. Just look at all the things you can clean with it! 
Y'all just being real...its way awkward to take a photo of your mop WHILE you are using it!

But apparently in can steam your curtains and clothes. It can steam your shower (is this a thing?) It can steam your grout, your cabinets, the space on the floor where the toilet meets the tile. The Oreck lady told me it was really "up to the limit of my imagination" on what I could clean with it. I immediately felt a strong connection to her as a new friend. #sue

So there's my helpful tip for the week- get yourself an Oreck steam mop! And tell them I sent you so that they might decide to give me an endorsement deal. Anthropologie too. 

And it's quiet, except for that gentle steam sound (like an iron x 1000), so you can use it while your baby naps. Because if you use it when he's awake, you should fully expect for said child to only want to walk/crawl on the area that you just completed and is still wet. You have been warned.

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